Thursday, May 19, 2016

Popular Bodybuilding Supplement You Should Know

If you just go around the fitness clubs in your country, I’m sure you’ll find someone shaking their protein shake, taking a pill, or yet adding some kind of powder to their water.

Such consumption of supplements tends to rise. After all, according to the ABFS (Brazilian Association of Supplement Manufacturers, in English), the fitness industry has moved over R$1 billion annually nationwide.

But, faced with so many names and options in the market, sometimes we can be at a loss as to which one we should pick towards our goals. For this reason, we have selected and broken down the top ten most popular Bodybuilding supplements consumed today. Check them out!

: : PROTEIN - What is that? : :

This one is super popular! Used for muscle gain and recovery after workout, it’s also known as whey protein (milk whey), however, it can be found in meats or vegetables, like peas, soy or rice. The difference lies in the amount of amino acid in each of them.

“Animal protein (milk and meat) is a source of essential branched chain amino acid (BCAA), which isn’t produced by our organisms. So if we want to get it, we need to include it in our diet or take its supplement”, explains Andrezza Botelho, a nutritionist and a member of IBNF, Brazilian Institute of Functional Nutrition.

Now, the vegetable protein has a lower biological value (has no or one essential amino acid), so it’s necessary to combine it with other foods, like vegetables themselves, so that it’s possible to ingest all the essential nutrients.

Yet, if you’re not willing to change anything and therefore prefer to go straight to whey protein, you should know there are three types of that: isolate, concentrated and hydrolyzed.

The first one is the purest form of protein, with at least 90% protein in its composition. Besides, this kind of supplement is usually fat free and contains less than 1% lactose, which is highly recommended if you’re lactose intolerant.

The concentrate whey, in turn, is rich in essential and branched amino acids, which permit the release of the bioactive components in charge of anabolic acceleration (muscle growth) and muscle recovery.

Lastly, the hydrolyzed kind. That’s the easiest and fastest whey type to be digested. It’s a kind of protein that’s less susceptible to cause gastrointestinal reactions.

: : When should you take it? : :

Usually for pre and post-workout, but mainly post.

: : What’s the ideal daily amount? : :

From 25 to 30 grams.

: : What if I exceed that? : :

In case you exceed the recommended dose, chances are you’ll have nausea, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, dehydration and you may also be faced with the formation of kidney stones.

Original post can be found here!

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